21st Feb was my cousin's wedding.
Early in the mornig wake up to go over his place for the ceremony.
Everything went smoothly..
1pm was their church wedding..
cousin wife is so pretty on that day..
Realised didnt took pic with my cousin.
Only with his wife :x
Hope their honeymoon goes well tooo :))
Wedding dinner my family sat on the VIP~
Woot~ my first time.. haha~
Pretty cool
i was the cameraman. uncle asked me to took pic of the wedding dinner.
I took as much as i can.
Didnt manage to get yet.
Coz he going bring it to china to wash..
shall wait and i will post out the pic.
only hav some photos frm my hp~
i took like 200+ 300 la.. but i pick several for post :)
Glad that they are finally married.
Here are the photos :
This is my nephew :)
He's cute..
When he do not wan to eat any more, he will put his hand on the head :)
Looking back at 2013
11 years ago